Impinging jet full field flow velocity and turbulence intensity from PIV measurements in jet impingement study by T.S. O´Donovan (EUROTHERM Award winner, 2008). This image shows phase locked vorticity plots for an impinging synthetic jet with a constant stroke length of 17D at different phases within the ejection and suction stages of the cycle. It is from a paper on synthetic jet heat transfer by McGuinn, Persoons, Valiorgue, O´Donovan and Murray and is in the Proceedings of Eurotherm 2008. This image shows the temperature field behind a heated cylinder, measured using Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF). The flow has a Reynolds number of 130 and a Richardson number of 1.5. This image is taken from a study by Seuntiëns, Rindt and van Steenhoven ( Flow visualisation from PIV testing, showing vortex rollup in jet impingement study by T.S. O´Donovan (EUROTHERM Award winner, 2008).

EUROTHERM Young Scientist Prizes and Awards

Every four years EUROTHERM presents the EUROTHERM Young Scientist Prize and two Awards to Scientists who are less than thirty five years at the time of the Prizes presentation.

The 2020 EUROTHERM Young Scientist Prize and Awards will be presented at the 8th European Thermal Sciences Conference (EUROTHERM 2020 to be held in Lisbon, Portugal, 6-10 September 2020.

Presentation of Prizes is proposed by the EUROTHERM Prize Committee, appointed by EUROTHERM Committee and consisting of Committee Members, on the basis of the scientific level of the PhD Thesis, originality and generality of the work, importance of the results for thermal sciences, and suitability of the modelling and/or of the experimental methods for thermal sciences. Candidates are PhDs selected by national bodies or committees, up to two candidates from each country represented within the EUROTHERM Committee. The Prize and Awards are presented to stimulate young scientists towards the research work in the field of thermal sciences. Young scientists need to be properly and quickly introduced in the scientific community and this is the aim of the EUROTHERM initiative through the Young Scientist Prize and Awards.

Recipients of Prizes and Awards in 1992 (presented at the 1st European Thermal Sciences Conference, held in Birmingham, 16-18 September 1992), in 1996 (presented at the 2nd European Thermal Sciences Conference, held in Rome, 29-31 May 1996), in 2000 (presented at the 3rd European Thermal Sciences Conference, held in Heidelberg on 10-13 September 2000), in 2004 (presented at the 4th European Thermal Sciences Conference, held in Birmingham on 29-31 March 2004) in 2008 (presented at the 5th European Thermal Sciences Conference, held in Eindhoven on 18-22 May 2008), in 2012 (presented at the 6th European Thermal-Sciences Conference held in Poitiers, on 4-7 September 2012) and in 2016 (presented at the 7th European Thermal-Sciences Conference held in Krakow, on 19-23 June 2016) are reported here (in alphabetic order).

In 1992 and 2000, as marginal differences came out from the evaluation of the Prize Committee, three Awards were presented.

1992 A. Soufiani, France (Prize) F. D'Annibale, Italy (Award) R. Henkes, The Netherlands (Award) S. Kabelac, Germany (Award)
1996 R.A. Kuyper, The Netherlands (Prize) C. Castelain, France (Award) S. Winkler, Germany (Award)
2000 B. Bottin, Belgium (Prize) C.C.M. Luijten, The Netherlands (Award) J. Soldner, Germany (Award) H. van Santen, The Netherlands (Award)
2004 R. Kieft, The Netherlands (Prize) J.R. Barbosa, UK (Award) J. van Oijen, The Netherlands (Award)
2008 R. Revellin, France (Prize) T. O´Donovan, Ireland (Award) D. Testi, Italy (Award)
2012 R. Stevens, Netherlands (Prize) J. Stafford, Ireland (Award) M. Celli, Italy (Award)
2016 B.D. Donoghue, Ireland (Prize) A. Diani, Italy (Award) M.G. Delgado Spain (Award)
2020 Z. Cao, Sweden (Prize) J. Gasia, Spain (Award) G. R. M. Barreto, Portugal (Award)


Call for proposals 2020 (.pdf)

1. The Prize and Awards:

EUROTHERM Committee confers, every four years, one EUROTHERM Young Scientist Prize and two EUROTHERM Awards. The prizes are presented at the European Thermal Sciences Conference. The next presentation will be at the 8th Conference in Lisbon, Portugal, 6-10 September 2020.

2. The candidates:

Candidates must have obtained within one of the EUROTHERM countries a Ph.D. degree in the field of Thermal Sciences and Heat Transfer. They should be younger than 35 years at the date of the prize (September 6th, 2020). Each European country is allowed to submit to the Prize Committee a maximum of two candidates for the Prize and the Awards.

3. Nomination of candidates in each country:

The national representatives of the EUROTHERM Committee will organize, with the national bodies (when they exist) a national committee composed of several senior scientists working in the different fields of Thermal Sciences and Heat Transfer. This committee diffuses the information about the prize and selects the national nominee(s). Proposals for nominations should be sent to the respective national committee members. Please contact the national representatives of the EUROTHERM Committee for any information on the national committees for the Prize (see attached list) or for any further information. Deadline for the proposals for nomination is: March 31, 2020.

4. The submission of documents:

Each proposal for a candidate should contain: - The Ph.D. thesis. The thesis should have been presented within the last five years before the date of the prize. If not in English it should have an English summary of at least five pages.
- Relevant papers in English published in an international journal or in conference proceedings with review process related to the thesis and eventually to the present main theme of research of the candidate. All must be authored by the candidate and the main contribution to this research work must come from the candidate.
- A curriculum vitae
- A full list of papers
- The assessment reports of the thesis if available, or the awarding of a distinction of honor like cum laude etc.

5. Prize Committee:

The Prize Committee is nominated every four years by the EUROTHERM Committee, and consists of six members chosen within its delegates. It consists for 2020 of: Profs. A. Nowak, S. Kabelac, M. de Paepe, G.L. Morini, P. Stephan, T. van der Meer.

6. The assessment criteria:

The following criteria will be taken into account for the assessment:
- Scientific level
- Originality and generality of the work
- Importance of the results for thermal sciences and heat transfer
- Suitability of the modelling and/or of the experimental methods for thermal sciences and heat transfer


Eurotherm Seminar 118

Hydrogen Energy Technologies
May 08 – 10, 2024, Krakow Poland


We are very sorry to inform that Prof. Maurizio Cumo, Founding Member and Honorary Member of the EUROTHERM Committee passed away on January 1, 2024, at the age of 84 years (1939-2024).

Prof. Maurizio Cumo (1939-2024)



9th European Thermal Sciences Conference
June 10-13, 2024, Lake Bled, Slovenia